Monday, December 8, 2014

I'm back

Okay this blog was inactive for almost a month now; the reason was that my mother was not feeling well & was in the hospital for last one month. Alhumdulillah she's stable & back home now thus I am also back with the blog.

In this article I'll cover the major events that happened in last one month and then from there we'll start being our usual selves.

Petrol Price Reduction.

Yes our government was kind enough to bless us with another major petrol reduction on the 1st of Dec. I'm hoping to see more reductions in the coming months due to the international oil scenario.

 Petroleum Dec1st

Price Reduction of Honda City 1.5 Aspire Models

Okay so Honda is seriously wanting to get rid of the old stock of their Honda City or may be like 1999 once again the 1.5 liter models are being discontinued due to lack of demand, not a good news for a power hungry user like myself but I'm sure they are doing it keeping in mind the low demand of 1.5 liter City since City buyers are mostly fuel economy conscious people. I have also heard rumors that this price reduction is on preface-lift model which is a good move in my eyes; had it been Suzuki or Toyota they would've upgraded the looks on old model as well & sold as new.


Altis 1.6 

Okay I'm actually debating the fact if I should call it Altis 1.6 or Gli 1.6; Corolla launched the 1.6 Auto variant which has a non android navigation & alloy rims. Only addition of these two things & Toyota started calling it Altis 1.6. I disagree.


Okay that's all for the major news from last month.

Just one guy's opinion.


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